Kakushi-toride no san-akunin

The story follows two greedy peasants in feudal Japan, Tahei and Matashichi, who are returning home from a failed attempt to profit from a war...

Starring: Akira Tani, Eiko Miyoshi, Haruo Nakajima, Haruo Suzuki, Haruya Sakamoto, Hiroyoshi Yamaguchi, Ichirô Chiba, Ikio Sawamura, Kôji Mitsui, Kamatari Fujiwara, Kichijirô Ueda, Kokuten Kôdô, Makoto Satô, Minoru Chiaki, Minoru Itô, Misa Uehara, Rinsaku Ogata, Ryû Kuze, Sachio Sakai, Senkichi Ômura, Shôichi Hiro
Genre: Action, Comedy, Adventure
Countries: Japan
Directors: Akira Kurosawa
Release Date: December 28, 1958
Runtime: 139 mins
IMDb Rating: Kakushi-toride no san-akunin (1958) on IMDb

3.14/5 - (369 Votes)

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