Funky Monkey

This amusing, darkly comic tale follows CIA agent Jack McCall and a chimpanzee that he attempts to liberate from a testing lab. Named Clemens, the...

Starring: Bodhi Elfman, Brian Simpson, Fred Ward, Gilbert Gottfried, Jean-Luc Orofino, Jeffrey Tambor, Jeremy James Kissner, Jochen Nickel, Kaleti Williams, Liliana Komorowska, Lisa Jacobs, Matthew Geczy, Matthew Modine, Michael Dean, Pat Finn, Randy Hall, Rick Ducommun, Roma Downey, Seth Adkins, Steve Monroe, Sven Martinek, Taylor Negron, Tommy Davidson, Tsuyosh
Genre: Comedy, Family
Countries: USA, Germany
Release Date: September 17, 2004
Runtime: 94 mins
IMDb Rating: Funky Monkey (2004) on IMDb

3.61/5 - (72 Votes)

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