
Revolves around a character named Jake Gray and his friends that have been playing a deadly game called "The Pathway", which eventually spirals out...

Starring: Aaron Pearl, Alan Ackles, Dominique Swain, Ellen Ewusie, Emy Aneke, Jenafor Ryane, Jenn Griffin, Jensen Ackles, John Innes, Kyle Cassie, Martin Cummins, Michael P Northey, Patrick Gilmore, R Nelson Brown, Reg Tupper, Rob Stewart, Sandra-Jessica Couturier, Shannyn Sossamon, Teach Grant, Wanda Cannon, William Sadler
Genre: Horror
Countries: USA
Directors: David Winkler
Release Date: May 31, 2005
Runtime: 90 mins
IMDb Rating: Devour (2005) on IMDb

4.25/5 - (8 Votes)

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